Are you a Pleaser or Rigid Parent?
ThisĀ free quizĀ will help you to discover your default parenting style and the subconscious, go-to strategies you tap into.
You will receive Supportive Strategies based on your particular parenting style.
Morning Gratitude and Journaling Routine
Journaling can be such a transformational practice, which is why I'm sharing my most powerful daily journaling prompts with you..
Receive your free one page guide by clicking below.
Release Your Triggers: 5 Days of Guided Meditation
Five days of supportive,Ā freeĀ meditationsĀ specifically designed for parents in mind. Bring calm to the chaos, in your mind, heart and soul.
BeginĀ Natalie's free meditation journey by clicking below.

Affirmations & Mantra Cards
Topic: Daily Inspirations for Connected and Purposeful Parenting
by Natalie Syrmopoulos and Katherine Earl